Metallurgy & Welding

Metallurgy & Welding

often erect the cranes and derricks that are used in construction and install and repair the catwalks, elevators, ladders, fire escapes, railings, and fences for commercial and industrial structures

Robotic Weld Technician
program, build, setup and operate robots

Underwater Welder
combine diving expertise and procedures with welding skills 

Welding Engineer
plan, manage, prepare and supervise welding projects

Welder Fabricator
create or build a usable product out of metal. Raw materials are bent, shaped, welded or cut to complete the final product

Welding Technician
plan, manage, prepare and supervise welding projects

Welding Inspector
use knowledge of the welding process to test methods, materials, qualifications, and standards to ensure that weldments and welding-related activities comply with all applicable quality and safety criteria

Welding Research Scientist
use experience and knowledge of welding metals to conduct studies and research to solve problems, develop new methods, and broaden the applications of welding

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