U.S. Space Force
He’s a Guardian of the newest branch of the Armed Forces – the United States Space Force!
Chief Abifarin R. Scott is the Senior Enlisted Leader for National Reconnaisance Office – Delta 23, Aerospace Data Facility Southwest. He serves as the principal advisor to the commander on all enlisted issues and provides leadership, guidance and mentorship to all facility personnel. Additionally, he is responsible for overseeing five squadrons/divisions and over 800 personnel operating multi-billion dollar national satellite systems and ensuring 24/7 operations for the collection, production and intergration of Department of Defense and Intelligence Community requirements.
Chief Scott hails from Dallas, TX and enlisted in the Air Force September 2000, graduating tech training as a Satellite, Wideband and Telemetry Systems Apprentice October 2001. He has an extremely diverse background having served in various overseas and stateside assignments within fixed and tactical satellite communications, project management, cyber defense and space operations. He entered the Space Force in December 2020. Prior to his current assignment Chief Scott was the PACAF Deputy Cyber MAJCOM Functional Manager and A6 Senior Enlisted Leader.