Materials Scientist, Engineer & Engineering Educator
Engineers On Deck, Retired U.S. Naval Academy
Professor Angela Leimkuhler Moran is a professor emeritus in the Mechanical Engineering Department U.S. Naval Academy. Her PhD is from the Johns Hopkins University in Materials Science and Engineering. Prior to USNA, she worked as an engineer and project manager at Naval Surface Warfare Center. She performed sponsored research for over 40 years in materials and manufacturing, nano-coatings, forensics, and advanced processing (like 3D printing) for the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Energy, Ford, and numerous private industries. Prof. Moran developed and implemented STEM outreach and educational programs at USNA involving faculty and midshipmen that continue to reach students and teachers across the country. She served as USNA Research Fellow, the Odgers Chair for STEM, the Volgenau Chair for Excellence in STEM Education and Outreach, and the Director of the USNA STEM Center. She is the recipient of the US Navy Superior Civilian Service Award, the Tau Pi Sigma Teaching Award, the Maryland Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year, Employee of the Year for the Naval Surface Warfare Center, the Women in Science and Engineering Achievement Award for most outstanding female engineer in the Federal Government, the National Women of Color Award, and the Martin Luther King Drum Major Award.