Future Science: Expanding Our Tastes and the Way We Interact With Food
Dr. Irwin Adam is a creative scientist and food futurist who combines his background in engineering, biology, and technology to design innovations that you can literally taste. Showing that there’s much more to taste than just sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, Dr. Adam – with his team of engineers, scientists, coders, designers, chefs, and artists — is studying and creating multi-sensorial food experiences that are changing the way we will taste and interact on all levels with food in the future.
Called “cross-modal personalized eating,” Dr. Adam’s work is particularly helping to pioneer consumers’ ability to choose the nutritional content or taste and texture of food that they need and want. These advances, Dr. Adam said in an interview with, range from ways to make ice cream taste creamier, to producing healthier food choices, such as chickenless eggs, cowless milk, and cowless-grown steak. “We’ll also be able to make lettuce…more sweet, more earthy, more green-tasting. Imagine you’re vitamin B-12 deficient; you’ll be able to get a special B-12 tomato.”
Dr. Adam, who is Founder and Creative Scientific Director of Future Food Studio and BEVLAB, is supported in his work through such major brands as Pepsico, Unilever, General Mills, Campbell’s, Kraft, and ABI InBev, with projects in the US, Canada, Middle East, and Europe. His achievements have been featured in the New York Times, Popular Science, Forbes, and many others.
He holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto, and a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from McGill University.
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