Dr. Lita Proctor
Microbial Ecology Expert
National Institutes of Health


Dr. Lita Proctor,  Microbial Ecology Researcher and Expert

Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D. is a National Institutes of Health scientist who managed the 10-year Human Microbiome Project.

Prior to this she served as Program Director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Geosciences and the Biosciences Directorates, where she managed microbiological, bioinformatics and research resources programs.She is an ecologist as well as a microbiologist and communicates the role of microorganisms in ecosystems (like oceans and forests) and in the human body (ie, the human microbiome).

She is formally trained in microbial ecology, was a National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Fellow in molecular microbial genetics at the University of California, Los Angeles, and has held appointments at Florida State University and at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Full Speaker Bio Coming Soon.


For more information please visit: https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Division-of-Genome-Sciences