Marine Scientist and Cinematographer
Catch her on Discovery Channel’s Shark Week!
Lauren is a marine scientist and photographer/cinematographer focusing on the conservation of sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. She graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a B.S. in Marine Biology in 2016 and an M.O. in Oceanography in 2017. She started working for 333 Productions in 2017 as a cinematographer and has been featured on Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Lionsgate pictures, Facebook, and ESPN. Along with highly acclaimed underwater cinematographer Joe Romeiro, she operates a wildlife filming and conservation vessel the R/V WARFISH from Rhode Island. For her dissertation, Lauren is examining movement, foraging, and reproductive ecology of New England sharks (great white, mako, blue and porbeagle) through a multi-disciplinary approach of eDNA, tagging, reproductive hormone assays and stable isotope analyses all on free swimming animals.