You loved this STEM powerhouse last time at the Festival, now Chevron returns as a major sponsor, bringing with it again a bevy of excitement to the Festival Expo, including the unforgettable Chevron STEM Zone and other must-see interactive, hands-on attractions to inspire students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And kicking off the Expo weekend is Sneak Peek Friday, presented by Chevron. Sneak Peek Friday, open only to schools, homeschoolers and military families, allows students the opportunity to get a “sneak peek” of the Expo before the general public.

“Since 2014, Chevron has proudly supported the USA Science & Engineering Festival with other companies and government organizations from across the country,” says Blair Blackwell, Manager of Corporate and Education Programs. “The Festival is a chance for students to turn loose their imagination, explore new ways to engage with science and engineering and learn about all the exciting opportunities which STEM brings to their future. We hope this experience fosters a life-long love of STEM and encourages many students to consider future careers in science, engineering and other STEM fields – fields critical to the success of our business and for communities where we operate.”
Chevron’s commitment to STEM is why since 2013 it has invested more than $400 million to support education initiatives around the world, benefitting thousands of students and teachers.

At the Festival Expo – the largest celebration of STEM in the nation, and which is expected to draw more than 365,000 visitors on April 7-8 to Washington, DC – here are key activities from Chevron you’ll not want to miss:
- Chevron STEM Zone. “We’re excited bring our STEM Zone back to the Festival, says Blair. “This is an interactive exhibit with hands-on activities that demonstrate how science is applied in the real world.” At the STEM Zone visitors, for example, will have the opportunity to use thermal imaging, practice Bernoulli’s principle, and learn about 2D relativity.
- Chevron’s Education Partners. Says Blair: “This year, we’re proud to bring our education partners to the Expo: Intermediate Unit One Fab Lab (IU1) from Grindstone, Pennsylvania, and Techbridge Girls.” The students from IU1 Fab Lab will be bringing their mobile Fab Lab, and the Techbridge Girls will be demonstrating chemical engineering by showing attendees how to make slime and lip balm.
- Deepwater Offshore Virtual Reality. Visitors will also be wowed by Chevron’s virtual reality show in which they’ll have the chance to travel by helicopter via virtual reality into the Gulf of Mexico, about 280 miles south of New Orleans, to Jack/St. Malo, Chevron’s largest deepwater offshore platform. Attendees will be able to tour this massive operation and meet some of the platform’s employees—all in 360 degrees. For a sneak peek, you can visit:

As a STEM outreach partner at the Festival and in other the communities, says Blair, ”Chevron ‘s goal is to help support young people’s learning and their ultimate success, whether they go on to become a part of the Chevron workforce or whether they are helping elsewhere to solve some of our country’s greatest challenges. We hope our participation in the Expo helps them find an interest that fits them.”
For more information on Chevron’s STEM education and career outreach endeavors, visit