Space is for Everyone

Aerospace Engineer Dr. Aprille Ericsson

Meet the First Female Private Space Explorer

Astronaut, Tech Entrepreneur, Engineer Anousheh Ansari

Journey to Space Shuttle Atlantis & Hubble Space Telescope

NASA Associate Administrator of Science and Former Astronaut Dr. John Grunsfeld

iRobot, CyPhy Works, and Flying Robots

Co-Founder of iRobot Corporation Helen Greiner

Designing Robots of the Future

Robotics Engineer Hod Lipson

The Intersection of Psychology and Robotics

Psychology of Aging Expert Wendy Rogers

Robotics from Biology to Manufacturing

Robotics Engineer Dr. Howie Choset

The Challenge of Creating Robots That Walk and Run

Robotics Research Scientist Dr. Christian Hubicki

Landsat 9 Continuing the Legacy – NASA

Frontiers of Space Travel

Head of Space Ventures at Aero Vironment William Pomerantz

What Lies Hidden in the Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters?

NASA Chief Scientist Dr James Green

Peering into NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Director for the James Webb Space Telescope Program Gregory Robinson

NASA STEM Stars: Veggies in Space

NASA stem Stars: Veggies in Space Trent Smith and Dr. Gioia Massa

Journey to the International Space Station with Alvin Drew

NASA Astronaut Benjamin Alvin Drew

How NASA’s Science Spans the Universe with Dr. Ellen Stofan

Planetary Geologist and Former NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Ellen Stofan

Dr. Satyan Devadoss – Visualize the Universe

Professor of Mathematics Dr. Satyan Devadoss

Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, and Hurricanes

Meteorologist Veronica Johnson

Storm Chasing with Joshua Wurman and Karen Kosiba

Atmospheric Scientist and Inventor Joshua Wurman and Atmospheric Scientist Karen Kosiba

STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III: Deep Sea Dive

Engineer & Musician Roy Moye III

Snowstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Sunshine

Meteorologist Amelia Draper

Into the Unknown: Deep Below the Ocean

World-Renowned Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle

Climate Change and Coral Reefs

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Anne Cohen

Chasing Coral Bleaching: A Present and Growing Ecological Disaster

Oceanographer and Coral Reef Specialist Dr. Mark Eakin

Visualizing the Universe

Dr. Satyan Devadoss

Inside the Addicted Human Brain

Dr. Nora Volkow

Welcome Address at the 2016 X-STEM Symposium

Dr. Joe Handelsman

Inside the Heads of Corals: My Quest to Understand the Ocean’s Most Extraordinary Creatures

Dr. Anne Cohen

How Nanobiotechnology is Turning Science Fiction into Science Fact

Dr. Jordan Green

Body Physics: “Biomechanics”

Dr. Antonia Zaferiou

Tools for Young Changemakers

Charles Orgbon III

The Future of the Past

Emily Cross

Leveraging Cutting-Edge Genomic Technology for Microbiology and Its Role in Safeguarding the U.S. Food Supply

Eric Brown

A Look Inside the U.S. Department of Defense

Dr. Jagadeesh Pamulapati

Urban Beekeeping as a Tool for STEM Education

Noah Wilson-Rich

How STEM Can Get you Anywhere

Patrick Harker

Lessons from an Accidental Engineer

Stephanie Hill

Taking Your Education and Career Journey to a Higher Altitude with Astronaut Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson

Bugs in my Bugs: The Science of Rainforest Ants and Their Gut Bacteria

Dr. Corrie Moreau

On Being a Force of Nature: From Human Spaceflight Operations to Exploring Earth’s Polar Regions

Christy Hansen

Illuminated by the Sunfish

Dr. Tierney Thys

Ocean Exploration Through the Eyes of Animals

Amy Kukulya

Revelations During My Improbable Journey

Gabriela A. Gonzalez

Global Problem Solving Using STEM

Dr. Padhu Seshaiyer

Science in Your Shopping Cart

Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young

Brain Machine Integration

Dr. Kafui Dzirasa

Using Cell Biology to Make a Lasting Impact

Dr. Tyler Allen

From Compassion to Innovation: A Never Ending Adventure

Hannah Herbst

Gamera: A Project Inspired by Davinci

Dr. Darryll Pines

From the Schoolyard to Singapore: Eating Insects Here, There, and Everywhere

Zack Lemann