How do leaves change color? How are researchers making tires from lettuce? How is smell linked to taste? You can learn about each of those in the first new episodes of the Science Underground podcast. Each episode discusses a topic for just two minutes, giving listeners a fun, weekly science fix. The creator Ainissa Ramirez is a scientist, writer, and a former Nifty Fifty Speaker.

Science Underground can be found on iTunes (iOs) and Stitcher (Android). The goal of this free podcast is to make science fun. Each audio episode is a short nugget of understandable and un-dry science that middle schoolers and high schoolers can enjoy. But parents, college students, and grandparents seem to love them too. This podcast supports teachers and educators, since many of the stories profiled align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

What’s the cost? There isn’t any. It’s free fun science!

One past episode highlights NFL great Jerry Rice, who shares the secret way that a football travels when thrown by a right-handed or left-handed quarterback. Not a football fan? No problem. One scientist shared how he is making tires from lettuce. Another scientist shows how she is using fireflies to make new medicines. You will also find how leaves change color, the science of chocolate, and the chemistry of fireworks in future episodes. And, all this happens in 2 minutes.

The goal of Science Underground is to awaken the inner scientists in all children and support educators by making science fun.


Downloadable, Science Underground is a free weekly 2-minute science podcast that targets middle school and high school students.




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