The Real CSI – Forensic Science for K-12 Students


We’re All Nuclear

Nuclear Engineer at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Dr. Ciara Sivels– hosted by Engineer and STEM Educator Aspen Meineke

Lesson Plan Resources

Life Beyond Our World

NASA Astronaut Christina H. Koch & NASA Systems Engineer Bobak Ferdowsi — with special guest NASA Astronaut Dr. Jessica Meir – hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

One-on-One with The Classy Chemist

Chemist and Best Selling Author Dr. Yasmine Daniels – hosted by Engineer and TV Host Tamara Robertson

Exploring Our Minds

Brain Engineer Dr. Kaf Dzirasa & Neuroscientist Dr. Kay Tye — with Special Guest Dr. Francis Collins — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Combining STEM Superpowers

Environmental Engineer Dr. Tracy Fanara & Chemical and Bimolecular Engineer Tamara Robertson — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer – Brain Break with NASA

Science that Saves Lives

Medical Oncologist Dr. Mika Sovak & Neuroscientist Dr. Greg Gage — with special guests NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins & Infectious Disease Researcher Dr. Anthony Fauci — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Exploring Our Planet

Oceanographer Dr. David Gallo & Underwater Cave Explorer Jill Heinerth — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer – Brian Break with Roy Moye III of STEMusic

Ambassadors of Conservation and the Climate

Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe & Primatologist and Explorer Dr. Mireya Mayor — with Special Guest Former Vice President Al Gore — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Are you ready to learn Math in Minutes? Watch this short video and start rocking to the math music beats!


Live Science Experiments with STEM Queen Jacqueline Means

Jacqueline Means

Explore the Wonders of the ‘Big Blue’ with Danni Washington

Danni Washington

Superhero Science – The Science of Elasticity

Tamara Robertson

Animal Q&A with Inspector Planet

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Crisis in the State of Florida: What disaster happened here?

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Behind the Scenes Weather Forecasting Tutorial

NBC4 Meteorologist Amelia Draper

Inside the Addicted Human Brain

Dr. Nora Volkow

Welcome Address at the 2016 X-STEM Symposium

Dr. Joe Handelsman

Inside the Heads of Corals: My Quest to Understand the Ocean’s Most Extraordinary Creatures

Dr. Anne Cohen

Body Physics: “Biomechanics”

Dr. Antonia Zaferiou

The Future of the Past

Emily Cross

Lessons from an Accidental Engineer

Stephanie Hill

Bugs in my Bugs: The Science of Rainforest Ants and Their Gut Bacteria

Dr. Corrie Moreau

On Being a Force of Nature: From Human Spaceflight Operations to Exploring Earth’s Polar Regions

Christy Hansen

Illuminated by the Sunfish

Dr. Tierney Thys

Ocean Exploration Through the Eyes of Animals

Amy Kukulya

Revelations During My Improbable Journey

Gabriela A. Gonzalez

Science in Your Shopping Cart

Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young

From Compassion to Innovation: A Never Ending Adventure

Hannah Herbst

Merging Science With Science Fiction

Dr. Erin Macdonald

WILD ABOUT SCIENCE: From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer

Dr. Mireya Mayor

How Gamers are Mapping the Brain

Amy Sterling

Using Problem-Solving and Creativity to Drive Innovation at PlayStation

Jess Loeb

Defining your Own Future

Dr. Serena McCalla

Into the Unknown: Deep Below the Ocean

Dr. Sylvia Earle

Ocean Advocacy with Danni Washington & Angela Sun

Danni Washington & Angela Sun

Journey to NASA with Astronaut Jessica Meir

Dr. Jessica Meir

Explosive Science

Dr. Kate Biberdorf

The Cold Show with Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Snowstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Sunshine … The Life of a Meteorologist

Amelia Draper

Why I like being a Scientist in the U.S. Air Force!

General Heather L. Pringle

The Importance of Changing the Image of STEM

Dr. Knatokie Ford

Hacker, Maker, Artist, Engineer – Made in USA

Limor Fried

Executive Vice President for Product Technology at Mastercard

Dana Lorberg

Adventures of a Science Storyteller on TV

Emily Calandrelli

Bringing the Power of Computer Programming to the Masses

Dr. Jean Yang

A Planet for Goldilocks: NASA’s Search for Evidence of Life Beyond Earth

Dr. Natalie Batalha

Innovation and the STEM World

Seema Kumar

Once Upon a Math Problem

Vanessa Thompson

Megan Smith – U.S. Chief Technology Officer

Megan Smith