Space is for Everyone

Aerospace Engineer Dr. Aprille Ericsson

Meet the First Female Private Space Explorer

Astronaut, Tech Entrepreneur, Engineer Anousheh Ansari

Journey to Space Shuttle Atlantis & Hubble Space Telescope

NASA Associate Administrator of Science and Former Astronaut Dr. John Grunsfeld

iRobot, CyPhy Works, and Flying Robots

Co-Founder of iRobot Corporation Helen Greiner

Designing Robots of the Future

Robotics Engineer Hod Lipson

The Intersection of Psychology and Robotics

Psychology of Aging Expert Wendy Rogers

Robotics from Biology to Manufacturing

Robotics Engineer Dr. Howie Choset

The Challenge of Creating Robots That Walk and Run

Robotics Research Scientist Dr. Christian Hubicki

Landsat 9 Continuing the Legacy – NASA

Frontiers of Space Travel

Head of Space Ventures at Aero Vironment William Pomerantz

What Lies Hidden in the Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters?

NASA Chief Scientist Dr James Green

What is the Temperature on Mars?

Space Educator and Former NASA Rocket Scientist Kevin J. DeBruin

Slime in Space

Educational Advocate, Public Speaker Anna-Sophia Boguraev

Peering into NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Director for the James Webb Space Telescope Program Gregory Robinson

NASA STEM Stars: Veggies in Space

NASA stem Stars: Veggies in Space Trent Smith and Dr. Gioia Massa

Journey to the International Space Station with Alvin Drew

NASA Astronaut Benjamin Alvin Drew

Interview with NASA Astronaut Dr. Michael Barratt

Physician and Astronaut Dr. Michael Barratt

How NASA’s Science Spans the Universe with Dr. Ellen Stofan

Planetary Geologist and Former NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Ellen Stofan

How Many Earths Could Fit Inside the Sun?

Former NASA rocket scientist, Host, Author, Speaker & Educator Kevin J. DeBruin

Erika Wagner, Ph.D. – Blue Origin, Commercial Space Flight

Senior Director, Emerging Marlet Development at Blue Origin – Erika Wagner Ph.D.

Emily Lakdawalla from the Planetary Society

Planetary Scientist Emily Lakdawalla

Dr. Satyan Devadoss – Visualize the Universe

Professor of Mathematics Dr. Satyan Devadoss

Astronaut Jeff Williams LIVE from the International Space Station

NASA Astronaut Jeff Williams

Water Quality: The Coolness of H20

Science Communicator, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Digital Media Producer Maynard Okereke

Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, and Hurricanes

Meteorologist Veronica Johnson

Storm Chasing with Joshua Wurman and Karen Kosiba

Atmospheric Scientist and Inventor Joshua Wurman and Atmospheric Scientist Karen Kosiba

STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III: Deep Sea Dive

Engineer & Musician Roy Moye III

Snowstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Sunshine

Meteorologist Amelia Draper

Seekers of Science Tech Talks – Oil Seeps

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineer, TV Host & Superhero Scientist Tamara Robertson

Ocean Exploration Through the Eyes of Animals

Robotics Engineer & Explorer Amy Kukulya

Ocean Advocacy with Danni Washington & Angela Sun

Science Communicator & Ocean Explorer Danni Washington and Award-Winning Television Host/Journalist Angela Sun

Meteorologist Amelia Draper: Behind the Scenes Weather Forecasting Tutorial

Meteorologist Amelia Draper

Into the Unknown: Deep Below the Ocean

World-Renowned Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle

Inspector Planet with Dr. Tracy Fanara- Plastic Waste

Environmental Engineer and Research Scientist Dr. Tracy Fanara

Gravity Mystery

Science Communicator, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Digital Media Producer Maynard Okereke

Explore the Wonders of the ‘Big Blue’

Science Communicator & Ocean Explorer Danni Washington

Crisis in the State of Florida: What disaster happened here?

Environmental Engineer and Research Scientist Dr. Tracy Fanara

Climate Change and Coral Reefs

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Anne Cohen

Chasing Coral Bleaching: A Present and Growing Ecological Disaster

Oceanographer and Coral Reef Specialist Dr. Mark Eakin

Supercharging Materials Discovery

Professor of Materials Science & Engineering Dr. Taylor Sparks – hosted by Maynard Okereke


Optics – So Much More Than Glasses

Endowed Chair & Professor of Optics at Monroe Community College; Executive Director of Workforce & Higher Education at AmeriCOM Dr. Alexis Vogt – hosted by Maynard Okereke

Lesson Plan Resources

Teens and Drug Addiction

Nora D. Volkow, M.D., is Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health.

Lesson Plan Resources

Creativity, Coding & CNC Machining

Mechanical engineer and CNC machining expert Jose Nazario – hosted by Maynard Okereke

Lesson Plan Resources

Leveling up with Microelectronics

Engineer and Microelectronics Expert Dr. Korine Duval – hosted by Tamara Robertson

Lesson Plan Resources

Welding: It’s a STEM Job

Chief Wellness Welder Shanen Aranmor – hosted by Tamara Robertson

Lesson Plan Resources

Autonomy Under Water

Underwater Robot Engineer Amy Kukulya – hosted by Erin Winick Anthony

Lesson Plan Resources

Micro Tech with Macro Effect

PocketLab CEO Dave Bakker – hosted by Maynard Okereke

Lesson Plan Resources

Disruptive Tech & the Future Workforce

Aerospace Engineer currently serving as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology for the U.S. Department of Defense Dr. Aprille Ericsson– hosted by Maynard Okereke

Lesson Plan Resources

Art + Science in Engineering

Engineer and CEO of ReLogic Research Chandler Wicks– hosted by Manufacturing Engineer Samantha Hunsinger

Lesson Plan Resources

The Real CSI – Forensic Science for K-12 Students


Backyard Science Activities


We’re All Nuclear

Nuclear Engineer at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Dr. Ciara Sivels– hosted by Engineer and STEM Educator Aspen Meineke

Lesson Plan Resources

The Future of Robots is Now!

Robotics Engineer and Director of the Research Institute at the University of Alabama in Huntsville Dr. Suzy Young – hosted by Mechanical Engineer Diana Iracheta

Dr. Suzy Young

Lesson Plan Resources

Manufacturing the Future

NASA Principal Technologist John Vickers – hosted by Manufacturing Engineer Samantha Hunsinger

Lesson Plan Resources

It’s a Material World

Materials Scientist, Engineer & Engineering Educator Dr. Angela Moran – hosted by Engineer and STEM Communicator Maynard Okereke A.K.A. “The Hip Hop MD”

Lesson Plan Resources

Do the Climate Rock!

NASA Climate Scientist Josh Willis, Ph.D. – hosted by Environmental Engineer and NOAA Research Scientist Dr. Tracy Fanara

Lesson Plan Resources

Life Beyond Our World

NASA Astronaut Christina H. Koch & NASA Systems Engineer Bobak Ferdowsi — with special guest NASA Astronaut Dr. Jessica Meir – hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Flying the F-35

U.S. Air Force F-35 Pilot Capt Ariel Knepper — hosted by Engineer and TV Host Tamara Robertson

Lesson Plan Resources

High Flying Role Models

Airbus Helicopter Pilot Esther Beckett — hosted by Flight Test Engineer Kate Gunderson

Lesson Plan Resources

Bringing Space into Focus

Optical Systems at Space Delta 2, Sgt Jeffrey Shields – Hosted by – STEAM Power Media STEM communicator, Erin Winick Anthony

Lesson Plan Resources

Wild About Animals

Zookeeper and Wildlife Educator Jordan Veasley & Tropical Biologist and Host of Discovery Channel’s Expedition X Phil Torres — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Ensuring a Safe Return From Space

Project Manager of the Hypersonic Plasma Re-entry Effects Program Capt. Jason Seik — hosted by Engineer and STEM Educator Aspen Meineke

Tracking Objects in Orbit

Starfire Optical Range Research Section Chief Capt Adrian Castillo — hosted by Engineer and Science Communicator Maynard Okereke a.k.a.”The Hip Hop MD”

Lesson Plan Resources

The Military Technology We All Use

Satellite Navigation Technology Area Lead at the Space Vehicles Directorate for the U.S. Air Force Capt. Colton Mott — hosted by Environmental Engineer and Research Scientist for NOAA Dr. Tracy Fanara

Protecting and Securing Space

U.S. Space Force Flight Commander Capt. Tasia Reed — hosted by Space Industry Payload Systems Engineer Susie Martinez

Engineering With Purpose

National Guard Deputy Base Civil Engineer Lt Col Cassandra McCloud — hosted by Engineer and Science Communicator Erin Winick Anthony

Meteorology in Space

Ionosphere Physicist at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Capt Sophia Schwalbe — hosted by Maynard Okereke a.k.a. “The Hip Hop M.D.”

Engineering in Space

Space Engineer Joan Melendez Misner — hosted by Engineer & TV host Tamara Robertson

Using Data Science to Solve Problems

Data Scientist TSgt Terica Clewis — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Diving in with Sharks

Shark Research Team Joe & Lauren Romeiro — hosted by Global STEM Ambassador Jay Flores

One-on-One with a Space Force Guardian

Space Force Guardian Chief Abifarin R. Scott — hosted by Space Educator and former NASA Rocket Scientist Kevin J DeBruin

One-on-One with The Classy Chemist

Chemist and Best Selling Author Dr. Yasmine Daniels – hosted by Engineer and TV Host Tamara Robertson

Deep Sea Science

OCEARCH Expedition Leader Chris Fischer & Marine Biologist Dr. Mike Heithaus — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer Brian Break with Roy Moye III of STEMusic

High Altitude Inspiration

U.S. Air Force Aviator Major Jay Park & Captain Barrington Irving — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer – Brain Break with David “Mr. D” Landix and Lamar “Mr. Q-U-E” Queen of Music Notes

Lesson Plan Resources

Exploring Our Minds

Brain Engineer Dr. Kaf Dzirasa & Neuroscientist Dr. Kay Tye — with Special Guest Dr. Francis Collins — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Combining STEM Superpowers

Environmental Engineer Dr. Tracy Fanara & Chemical and Bimolecular Engineer Tamara Robertson — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer – Brain Break with NASA

Science that Saves Lives

Medical Oncologist Dr. Mika Sovak & Neuroscientist Dr. Greg Gage — with special guests NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins & Infectious Disease Researcher Dr. Anthony Fauci — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Exploring Our Planet

Oceanographer Dr. David Gallo & Underwater Cave Explorer Jill Heinerth — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer – Brian Break with Roy Moye III of STEMusic

Shattering STEM Stereotypes

Google Software Engineer Kim Swennen and Biomedical Scientist and Social Entrepreneur Dr. Knatokie Ford – Hosted by – Justin Shaifer – Brain break featuring Dr. Francis Collins

Knatokie Ford & Kim Swennen

Ambassadors of Conservation and the Climate

Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe & Primatologist and Explorer Dr. Mireya Mayor — with Special Guest Former Vice President Al Gore — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Returning to the Moon

Astronaut Zena Cardman & Planetary Protection Engineer Dr. Moogega Cooper — with a Brain Break by STEMusic’s Roy Moye III — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Real-Life Robotics

Robotics Project Manager Jasmine Lawrence & Founder and CEO of Unlimited Tomorrow Easton LaChappelle — with a Brain Break by Hip Hop M.D. Maynard Okereke & Special Guest Space Force Guardian Major Adrian Law — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Next Gen STEM

Inventor Dasia Taylor & Bioinformatics Researcher Catherine Kim — with Special Guests YouTube stars Collins and Devan Key & AstraZeneca’s Dr. Susan Galbraith — hosted by Science TV Host and Producer Justin Shaifer

Holiday-Themed STEM Activities with Mr. Science


Engineering Design Challenges for Every Classroom


Science Hits from Mr. D and Mr. Q-U-E of Music Notes

Mr. D & Mr. Q-U-E

Hooked on Science Experiments with “Mr. Science” Jason Lindsey

Jason Lindsey

Inspector Planet with Dr. Tracy Fanara – Sea Lions

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Inspector Planet with Dr. Tracy Fanara – Sloths

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Inspector Planet with Dr. Tracy Fanara – Sea Stars

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Are Horseshoe Crabs Really Crabs?

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Strange Evidence from the Science Channel

Science Channel

You Are Already a Scientist with Harrison Ngue

Harrison Ngue

Seekers of Science Tech Talks with Tamara Robertson – Oil Seeps

Tamara Robertson

Ask Auntie with Tamara Robertson – What Causes Bruises

Tamara Robertson

Ask Auntie with Tamara Robertson – Science of Scent Rolling

Tamara Robertson

Superhero Science – The Science of Energy Manipulation

Tamara Robertson

Insane Experiments with Collins and Devan Key

Collins and Devan Key

Kevin J DeBruin Answers – What is the Temperature on Mars?

Kevin J DeBruin

Kevin J DeBruin Answers – How Many Earths Could Fit Inside the Sun?

Kevin J DeBruin

STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III: Deep Sea Dive

Roy Moye III

Making Math Meaningful


NASA STEM Stars: Veggies in Space by Trent Smith and Dr. Gioia Massa


Electric is the Shape of Things to Come by Nick Borer


NASA Landsat 9 narrated by Marc Evan Jackson


NASA and Civil Rights by Brian Odom


Why the Moon? By Brad Bailey


What Lies Hidden in the Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters?


Peering into NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope with Gregory Robinson


Space Medicine for the Artemis Generation


Are you ready to learn Math in Minutes? Watch this short video and start rocking to the math music beats!


Skyscrapers STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III

Roy Moye III

Rockets Go Up STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III

Roy Moye III

African Zoology STEMusic Moment with Roy Moye III

Roy Moye III

Live Science Experiments with STEM Queen Jacqueline Means

Jacqueline Means

Hooked on Science Experiments with Jason Lindsey

Jason Lindsey

All About Dry Ice in The Science Lab of Grand Hank

Grand Hank

Build With Nate Ball: Three Ways to Make a High Power Stomp Rocket

Nate Ball

Explore the Wonders of the ‘Big Blue’ with Danni Washington

Danni Washington

Superhero Science – The Science of Elasticity

Tamara Robertson

Making Math Meaningful Lab with Dr. Padhu Seshaiyer

Padhu Seshaiyer

Why STEM is Dope with Justin Shaifer

Justin Shaifer

Water Quality: The Coolness of H20 with Hip Hop M.D. Maynard Okereke

Maynard Okereke

Stunt Science with Steve Wolf

Steve Wolf

Animal Q&A with Inspector Planet

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Crisis in the State of Florida: What disaster happened here?

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Behind the Scenes Weather Forecasting Tutorial

NBC4 Meteorologist Amelia Draper

Science Experiments and Demonstrations

Dr. Darryl Lee Baynes

Inspector Planet with Dr. Tracy Fanara- Plastic Waste

Dr. Tracy Fanara

Visualizing the Universe

Dr. Satyan Devadoss

Inside the Addicted Human Brain

Dr. Nora Volkow

Welcome Address at the 2016 X-STEM Symposium

Dr. Joe Handelsman

Inside the Heads of Corals: My Quest to Understand the Ocean’s Most Extraordinary Creatures

Dr. Anne Cohen

How Nanobiotechnology is Turning Science Fiction into Science Fact

Dr. Jordan Green

Body Physics: “Biomechanics”

Dr. Antonia Zaferiou

Tools for Young Changemakers

Charles Orgbon III

The Future of the Past

Emily Cross

Leveraging Cutting-Edge Genomic Technology for Microbiology and Its Role in Safeguarding the U.S. Food Supply

Eric Brown

A Look Inside the U.S. Department of Defense

Dr. Jagadeesh Pamulapati

Urban Beekeeping as a Tool for STEM Education

Noah Wilson-Rich

How STEM Can Get you Anywhere

Patrick Harker

Lessons from an Accidental Engineer

Stephanie Hill

Taking Your Education and Career Journey to a Higher Altitude with Astronaut Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson

Bugs in my Bugs: The Science of Rainforest Ants and Their Gut Bacteria

Dr. Corrie Moreau

On Being a Force of Nature: From Human Spaceflight Operations to Exploring Earth’s Polar Regions

Christy Hansen

Illuminated by the Sunfish

Dr. Tierney Thys

Ocean Exploration Through the Eyes of Animals

Amy Kukulya

Revelations During My Improbable Journey

Gabriela A. Gonzalez

Global Problem Solving Using STEM

Dr. Padhu Seshaiyer

Science in Your Shopping Cart

Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young

Brain Machine Integration

Dr. Kafui Dzirasa

Using Cell Biology to Make a Lasting Impact

Dr. Tyler Allen

From Compassion to Innovation: A Never Ending Adventure

Hannah Herbst

Gamera: A Project Inspired by Davinci

Dr. Darryll Pines

From the Schoolyard to Singapore: Eating Insects Here, There, and Everywhere

Zack Lemann

Merging Science With Science Fiction

Dr. Erin Macdonald

WILD ABOUT SCIENCE: From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer

Dr. Mireya Mayor

Innovation in Unlikely Places

Tim Vanderham

How Gamers are Mapping the Brain

Amy Sterling

Discussing Experimental Archaeology, Ancestral Diets and Modern Health

Dr. Bill Schindler

The Challenge of Creating Robots That Walk and Run with Dr. Christian Hubicki

Dr. Christian Hubicki

Using Problem-Solving and Creativity to Drive Innovation at PlayStation

Jess Loeb

Defining your Own Future

Dr. Serena McCalla

Into the Unknown: Deep Below the Ocean

Dr. Sylvia Earle

Journey to the NIH

Dr. Francis Collins

From the Festival Floor with with the Lockheed Martin Exoskeleton!

Danni Washington & Lockheed Martin

High-Energy STEM ‘Edu-tainment’

Darryl Lee Baynes

Rocking the World of STEM Education Through Hip-Hop and Science Exploration!

Grank Hank

The ‘Coolest’ Show Around! Exploring Cryogenics

Mr. Freeze, Jerry Zimmerman

Stunt Science: Behind the Scenes of Spider-Man and Other Hollywood Movies

Steve Wolf

Turning Math Into Magic

Art Benjamin

The Science Showdown with the Franklin Institute

Franklin Institute

USDA Takes Flight Featuring Woodsy the Owl


Slime in Space and the International Space Station

CASIS & Nickelodeon

3M Visiting Wizards Bring Their Science Excitement to the Stage!

3M Visiting Wizards

Ocean Advocacy with Danni Washington & Angela Sun

Danni Washington & Angela Sun

Bill Nye The Science Guy

Bill Nye

Journey to NASA with Astronaut Jessica Meir

Dr. Jessica Meir

Explosive Science

Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Hands-on, High-Energy Science From TV’s DIY Sci Host

Steve Spangler

The Cold Show with Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Robotics from Biology to Manufacturing

Dr. Howie Choset

Snowstorms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Sunshine … The Life of a Meteorologist

Amelia Draper

Why I like being a Scientist in the U.S. Air Force!

General Heather L. Pringle

Inspiring Tomorrow’s Neuroscientists the ‘Backyard Brains’ Way

Dr. Greg Gage

The Importance of Changing the Image of STEM

Dr. Knatokie Ford

Key Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Mohamed Kande

Hacker, Maker, Artist, Engineer – Made in USA

Limor Fried

Executive Vice President for Product Technology at Mastercard

Dana Lorberg

Adventures of a Science Storyteller on TV

Emily Calandrelli

Zombies, Sports, and Cola: Implications For Talking About Weather and Climate

Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd

Bringing the Power of Computer Programming to the Masses

Dr. Jean Yang

Inventing Products that Win!

Murali Patnam

Changing the World of Manufacturing with Scientists and Engineers

Dr. Joseph DeSimone

Chasing Coral Bleaching: A Present and Growing Ecological Disaster

Dr. Mark Eakin

A Planet for Goldilocks: NASA’s Search for Evidence of Life Beyond Earth

Dr. Natalie Batalha

How to Build a Thinking Society

Dr. Po-Shen Loh